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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Someone tell me, who am I supposed to be? Give me direction, I need affection.
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Priya Kosch DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Sept 9, 2022 7:19:36 GMT
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a sandalit trawls along the ground, its tail slithering through dirt and rocks as the sound of ambivalence stirred through the town of oldale, the uproar of voices speaking against ones that seemed more reasonable slowly forming into a crowd, that crowd a mob, then that mob a full on riot- the voices of reason drowned out by those of mob mentality, too lost in others thoughts to think for themselves.

following along the trail the sandalit had led were two league officials, an officer by the name of and a secretary by the name of , each with their own duties to fulfill on this day- one under more scrutiny than the other.

he has no pen, he has to clipboard, he only has himself and his pokemon, but his eyes focus on primarily on blythe between glances at the ensuing chaos that had begun to unfold.

as tensions within the town begin to rise, the further onset of violence and destruction ringing out, priya does not say a word nor lift a finger, he is merely observing until there is need for him to act.

he did not call for reinforcements for this riot was easily quelled under the proper measurements- all that was needed was the right officer, the floor promptly handed to none other than the woman that accompanied him: .


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February 24
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blythe rosewood
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POSTED ON Sept 10, 2022 22:13:21 GMT
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blythe, illuminated from the front by a fire set within a burning aluminum pyre and flanked by her florges, sweats when she glances at the man at her side.

. symbol of her failure.

she's happy-go-lucky to a fault. too excitable for her own good, too. while others sometimes praise her for this, finding good hope in such naive optimism, it has proven to be her downfall more often than not. this particular outing comes on the tailwind of a failed operation on the docks of sootopolis, where she nearly died a watery death at the hands of the ocean after being pushed in, and the culprit she had been chasing went on to cause irreparable damage to the hoennian supply lines. she's been assigned a guardian, a watchdog, somebody to look and see every failure blythe still carries.

of course, she's nervous. how could she not be? every second spent in priya's unerring, stern presence is another second blythe spends wondering if she will ever be cut out for this job—if she should just quit while she's ahead.

nonetheless, a minute spent at ground zero dispels these worries entirely. she's reminded of exactly why she joined the force in the first place when she stomps toward a group of young masked individuals smashing a smoking storefront with bats, sending glass shards shattering out across the street. there's a young woman inside the store still, cowering behind the counter.

she stands no chance of arresting these people just by her lonesome with her pokemon. the true focus here is ensuring the woman is safe, regardless of any arrests made. this is the whole reason she's here—protecting people.

so her florges, without even being told, sends a curling vine through the air to mark a barrier between the three troublemakers and the shattered storefront they now eye. as the troublemakers follow the vine to its source, blythe does her best to look as stern and authoritative as possible, with her hands on her hips and her deep blue eyes narrowed.

"disperse." her voice cracks. "or be detained."
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Someone tell me, who am I supposed to be? Give me direction, I need affection.
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POSTED ON Sept 13, 2022 17:45:58 GMT
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the youths laugh at her voice crack- priya wishing he could do the same- and tilt their heads up in an attempt to intimidate.

you two don’t scare us. even if you do “detain” us, you’re outnumbered. what are you gonna do when you have a whole town on just two league officers, huh? nothin. now shoo, we got looting to do.

what could only be assumed to be the leader points into the store for the ragtag crew to advance into the store, two grunts placed before them sending out grimers, one burning the vine with flamethrower while the other began to produce a smog in front of the store.

the sandalit, moves to priya, crawling up the length of him from the ground to his shoulders, resting as it eyed the scene as intently as the man himself: priya who stood and watched, unwilling to even make a suggestion in the face of this adversity.

arms fold, the shuffling of cloth heard behind just in earshot of the officer, priya standing idly awaiting her actions.

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POSTED ON Sept 15, 2022 19:48:14 GMT
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blythe's breath catches in her throat.

there's more than she thought. they're belligerent, incorrigible, stubborn. they have flamethrowers, smog, grimer, and the woman is still in the shop. with every second blythe spends in the smoke-filled street, she feels more and more out of her depth. is she really meant for this? for any of this? she's a country bumpkin playing cops and robbers, wearing a badge because it makes her feel better than she is, and her folly is possibly the only line between an innocent life and genuine destruction. what can she possibly do?

she glances over her shoulder at priya, searching. then her face steels.

she has to do something, regardless of what happens. she doesn't know if she has the firepower to back any of her bravado up, but she's gotta try.

though donmai cringes at the fire burning away her vine, she looks to blythe for guidance, and blythe gives it with a firm, determined nod of her head. "razor leaf, please," she whispers, hoping desperately that such use of force is what's needed in this situation and not an oversight. donmai nods, recovering from her injury with a regal nod of her head, and leaves transiently levitate around her head. a second passes where they hang in the air, a pregnant pause of tension, before unleashing.

hopefully, this is enough deterrent. and hopefully, it will wipe away the smog as well, as blythe bravely begins her descent into the raided store.

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May 20
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Someone tell me, who am I supposed to be? Give me direction, I need affection.
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POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 19:12:05 GMT
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the leaves cut through the miasma like a heated knife through butter, their turbulence beginning to dissipate the fog as frond makes contact with something unseen; caught with a meaty thunk before a yelp cries out.

as the muddle finally cleared, the point of contact is seen, the upper arm of one of the youths bleeding profusely as a puddle of crimson pools to the floor; another holding the wound closed.

eyes once on the young rogue now promptly turn to the opposition, more focused on blythe than the man who stood behind her, priya’s expression unmoving.

what the hell?!” cries out from the crowd before the injured youth’s pokemon releases itself, a scizor looking to its trainer then to the pokemon that produced their injury; the dual type lunging towards the florges with a bullet punch.

seeing the opportunity present itself, the clerk quickly takes her leave amidst the distraction blythe provides. wordless thanks given as she huffs away swiftly.

a slight smile forms of priya’s lips, head tilted upwards as he watches the scene play out almost comically.

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February 24
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POSTED ON Sept 20, 2022 22:01:43 GMT
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the clerk runs away amid the chaos, between razor-sharpened leaves, smoke, and fire. blythe can't help but smile, but her expression dawns too quickly. a loud moan of pain emanates from donmai, blythe's florges, as scizor leaps forth and strikes her in the torso with a heavy fist crusted over with steel. blythe's smile immediately fades into a mix of both concern and... anger. possibly the angriest she's ever felt. dual flames burn in her eyes as she sets her sights on the young, bleeding trainer whose leveraged this deep injustice against her, the clerk, and her hometown of oldale.

blythe looks down at her florges. she'll faint, that much is given. she's weak to scizor—it's a zero sum battle. the only thing blythe can imagine working in this situation is setting up a buff for the next pokemon the officer sends out, as no amount of leaves, vines, or winds will stand to penetrate the scizor's incredible defense.

so, face haloed by fire and flames, she gives the command. "wish."

florges' eyes narrow, nigh imperceptibly, before raising her head to sky. the moon and stars, obscured as they are by plumes of rising smoke, seem to twinkle in response as she bows. if anything, it will give blythe some time to ensure there's nobody else in the building as she lures closer and closer to the now burning store. her eyes peer through the broken storefront in search of any further victims.

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May 20
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Someone tell me, who am I supposed to be? Give me direction, I need affection.
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POSTED ON Sept 23, 2022 20:57:09 GMT
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perceptibility gives way to further collateral , unfortunate bystanders caught in the crossfire in the wrong place at the wrong time; a mother and her child, barely made out but neatly crouched away in a corner.

as blythe approaches, they quickly rise and move towards the officer, tears welling in their eyes as their protector rears her head, the light radiating behind her head giving an angelic aura to the woman.

though this union is swifty cut short as twin flamethrowers launch in their direction, the force of heat pushing toward and threatening to leave naught but bones and ash.

but just as heat begins to lick skin, an invisible force walls off the flames, the embers fizzing out as they careened into roof and floor alike, sparing the group of their fiery fate.

a gallade, stood beside priya, eyes blythe, just as stalwart as his owner, the psychic provided fading soon after attention had been dragged away from blythe.

motherfu-” the leader begins to shout out before cutting themself short, a command given through shrill vocal cords.

since he decided to butt in, get him too!

and with the attention split between them both, blythe’s load is lifted, priya still eyeing her rather than those that directly threatened him. afterall, this is her evaluation, not his.

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